
Hello! I'm Meico. I'm a recovering workaholic who helps changemakers improve their well-being and increase their well-doing.

Re: your first quarter progress

Published 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

I know you’re super busy, but I wanted to check in to see if you’ve given any thought to my last note about your well-being while well-doing plan for 2024?

I know you're good at doing the outer work of managing people and projects to meet your mission. I get it. You're used to taking the lead at work AND home. Otherwise, things just don't get done.

BUT you also have the prioritize the inner work of making time for yourself and being supported so you can continue to do good work without burnout.

This isn’t about simply working harder and/or smarter; it’s about committing to work differently so that you take care of yourself and make an impact for the long haul.

As flight attendants remind us, you must secure your own oxygen mask first before assisting others. This concept also applies to pouring into yourself personally and professionally.

If you’re consistently pouring from a full or overflowing cup, you set yourself and your team up for sustained long-term success. The result is a sustained flow of ripples of positive change through your spheres of impact. These ripples start with you and flow outward through your team, organization, those you serve, external stakeholders and partners, the social sector, and ultimately the world.

Otherwise, your cup runs dry, you burn out, and your organizational change efforts stall or do more harm than good. This burnout usually results from trying to tackle outer spheres of impact first (e.g., being laser-focused on your organization’s or client’s needs at your own expense) without nourishing yourself first. As a result, you may often feel like you’re being crushed by the weight of the world.

That's why this month's Virtual Wellness Retreat for Changemakers will focus on Staying on Track with Your Well-Being While Well-Doing in 2024 based on my new best-selling book.

Our next retreat is February 23-24, 2024 (12-2:30 PM ET each day). Tomorrow is the last day to register. Learn more and register here:

We’ll dig deeper and discuss how to stay on track and sustain momentum with your 2024 plan as we approach the end of the first quarter.

In case you missed it or need a refresher, you can get the 2024 C.H.A.N.G.E. plan template and last month's slides in your retreat dashboard here when you register.

The template includes 10 essential questions that walk you through mapping out your one-page plan for well-being while well-doing in 2024…AND how to follow through on it.

So, Reader, are you on track to end the quarter strong? What do you need to get on track? I’d love to hear from you. Seriously. Just reply to this email, type a short message, and hit reply. I personally read and respond to all messages.

Hope to see you Friday!


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Hello! I'm Meico. I'm a recovering workaholic who helps changemakers improve their well-being and increase their well-doing.

Subscribe to get regular insights on increasing your well-being so you can sustainably increase your well-doing in changing the world.

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