creating digital & workplace well-being (new interview)

Hey Reader,

Recently, I had a conversation with technology educator and strategist John Kenyon about Digital & Workplace Well-Being for Mission-Driven Professionals in recognition of Digital Wellness Month and Mental Health Awareness Month.

We discussed the intersection of well-being, technology, and neurodiversity for mission-driven professionals. I shared tips and best practices that can help you make space to focus on your top personal and professional priorities without sacrificing your well-being based on the book Amazon bestseller How to Thrive When Work Doesn’t Love You Back: A Practical Guide for Taking Care of Yourself While Changing The World.

Watch the full interview here: [LinkedIn login required]

If you or your team are struggling with digital and workplace well-being, I share a few ways to get started in the interview.

Also, if you don't have your copy of the book yet, you can grab yours here: (for bulk discounts, reply to this message and send me a note).

All the best,


P.S. I believe the need for what you do has never been greater. You are undoubtedly doing great work. But you can’t give your best if you’re not at your best.

Stress, burnout, and unhealed pandemic trauma will undermine your work if we don’t make personal and workplace well-being an urgent priority moving forward.

That’s why I'm on a mission to create a culture of well-being for mission-driven organizations and leaders who are changing the world.

I partner with you to create strategies and deliver programs that help you:

  • Attract and retain talent.
  • Build a culture of belonging and inclusion.
  • Strengthen employee learning and development.
  • Improve employee well-being and engagement.
  • Create an exceptional employee experience.
  • Improve performance and scale impact without self-sacrifice.
  • Mitigate burnout risk.

How I do it

  • Speaking, training, and facilitation
  • Developing and implementing learning and development programs
  • Coaching individuals and teams
  • Serving as fractional staff (e.g. Learning & Development Manager or Employee Well-Being Director)
  • Conducting well-being assessments
  • Serving as your trusted organizational well-being consultant and advisor
  • Developing and supporting the implementation of well-being strategic action plans
  • Planning and delivering well-being programs

What others say

“Meico is a leader with a deep commitment to promoting wellness and mindfulness. Through his partnership with Keela, he’s created tools and shared resources that support thousands of nonprofit professionals to lead balanced, purposeful lives in a digital world.

His contributions have significantly helped our team and users to tackle stressful situations and be more productive in the workplace. Working with Meico has proven to be an incredible decision and I’m looking forward to building on our great relationship.”

Nejeed K., Former CEO, Keela

“I can't say enough good things about Meico's message or his delivery! I've had the opportunity to attend several of his workshops and have become a true fan of his. He thoughtfully explains the 'why' in his sessions, keeps the audience engaged, and delivers practical tips. I've shared his worksheets and ideas with my own team, and they too have become fans. I enthusiastically recommend taking one of Meico's courses and hiring him to present at your own conference.”

Sandra M., Chief Operating Officer, Family Promise

Let’s get started!

The truth is if you really want to make a difference, you must start by taking time for yourself right now because you can’t “change the world” if you’re not around long enough to make that happen.

If you’re not sure where to start or if you want to book a free consultation for your team on improving well-being while well-doing, reply to this message and send me a note or book a free consultation here. You can also forward this note to your team lead, executive director, or CEO.

Meet Meico

Hello Changemaker! It’s nice to meet you. I’m Meico Marquette Whitlock.

I’m a workplace well-being strategist who helps mission-driven professionals prioritize their well-being so they can elevate their well-doing. During my previous career in the tech, nonprofit, and government sectors, I experienced more than my fair share of burnout and overwhelm in the name of making a difference. As a recovering workaholic, I use what I’ve learned to help changemakers like you make an impact without self-sacrifice.

I’m the founder and CEO of Mindful Techie, author of the Amazon-bestseller How to Thrive When Work Doesn’t Love You Back: A Practical Guide for Taking Care of Yourself While Changing The World and The Intention Planner: A Daily Planner & Structured Accountability System for Changemakers, and a certified trauma-informed mindfulness teacher.

I partner with you to create strategies and deliver programs that help your team scale impact while sustaining the right balance between life, work, and technology in today’s changing world.

I have worked with organizations such as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Cigna, and Greenpeace, and have been a featured speaker on ABC News, Fox 5, and Radio One. I'm also a former triathlete, love salsa dancing, and make the world’s best vegan chili! :-)

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Hello! I'm Meico. I'm a recovering workaholic who helps changemakers improve their well-being and increase their well-doing.

Subscribe to get regular insights on increasing your well-being so you can sustainably increase your well-doing in changing the world.

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