
Hello! I'm Meico. I'm a recovering workaholic who helps changemakers improve their well-being and increase their well-doing.

3 things keeping you stuck this year

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader,

Welcome to 2024! It’s a new year and an opportunity to make more impact at work and in your personal life.

Whether you have already set a vision and intentional goals for the year or you’re still getting your footing, I want you to be on the lookout for roadblocks that could derail your progress.

It’s not enough to have a solid plan for the things you want to accomplish or what will go on your to-do list. You also need a plan for how you will handle the inevitable distractions that pop up. These are things you add to your to-don’t list as I discuss in my latest book.

Here are three things you might want to add to your to-don’t list this year:

  1. Complaining—I get it. You didn’t accomplish all the things you wanted last year. You have a full plate as you start this year. And the overflowing emails and meeting-heavy days aren’t going anywhere soon. But complaining does little to change your situation. On the contrary, it drains your energy and shortens your lifespan. While many things are happening that are beyond your control, there are some things you can control. This year, when you’re tempted to complain, I invite you to shift into a can-do mindset and ask yourself: What’s one thing I can do right now that’s within my control?
  2. Following news and social media—I know you want to stay informed about ALL the happenings in the world. But let’s be honest. Your listening to public radio, watching cable news, scrolling through social media, and streaming podcasts is more for entertainment than information. And it’s causing you distress and anxiety and leaving you feeling helpless and overwhelmed. If you truly want to stay informed, I invite you to limit your intake of news to one or two sources of credible information that provide analysis vs commentary and that leave you with a clear idea of what you can do as an individual to make a difference. I invite you to also consider avoiding consuming this information first thing in the morning and right before you go to bed.
  3. Comparison and jealousy—For many of us, our fears and insecurities are tied to comparing ourselves to someone else’s journey. We mistakenly believe the grass has to be greener on the other side. But I heard somewhere that comparison is the thief of our joy. It also kills your productivity due to wasted energy pining for someone else’s life experience and the ensuing demotivation you feel. Your joy is "stolen" when you forget to count your blessings and focus on your unique gifts, talents, and resources right in front of you. Instead of comparing yourself or being jealous, I invite you to shift into a space of gratitude for the many things that are working out for you right now in this moment.

As you create your to-don't list for the year, I renew my wish for you as you embrace what’s next over the next 12 months:

May you always have the courage to C.H.A.N.G.E.

May you always remember to pause and
connect with WHY you do what you do.

May you
honor your sacred priorities at home and at work.

May you
acknowledge and confront your deepest fears and doubts.

May you have the skill to
negotiate boundaries with ease and grace.

May you
generate the space to go within, reflect, and recharge.

May you
embody what it means to be a mindful changemaker in a world where the need for your time and talent has never been greater.

As you move through this year, I invite you to embrace C.H.A.N.G.E.

Wishing you all the best and much more,


P.S. If you want to learn more about embracing C.H.A.N.G.E., join us for the next Virtual Wellness Retreat for Changemakers, January 26-27. This month’s theme is How to Get on Track & Stay on Track for 2024.

**This program may be eligible for reimbursement through your organization’s professional development program or HR department. Reach out to your HR contact or manager for additional details. Download this one-pager for additional details.

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Hello! I'm Meico. I'm a recovering workaholic who helps changemakers improve their well-being and increase their well-doing.

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